Focus on Today While Planning for Tomorrow
As a well-established player in the transport of liquified petroleum gases, Christiania Gas acknowledges its social and environmental obligations related to a sustainable future. Our efforts in sustainable development are mainly concentrated on the following areas:
- Analytical tools & the environment
- Promoting health, safety and security (HSS)
- Integration of moral governance standards
We believe that being a reliable, ethical, and responsible business partner is essential for future growth and as such, these objectives are incorporated into our daily business operations. Our development of an ESG policy ensures compliance and transparency of our commitment and enhances the awareness of our employees. Additionally, the ESG policy is built in accordance with the Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB) framework and communicates our ESG performance to our internal and external stakeholders.
Analytical Tools & the Environment
Objective: Green practices in the shipping industry will bring long-term benefits for businesses and the environment.
Climate change is a serious economic and social issue that requires immediate action from all sectors of the economy, including international shipping. Christiania Gas recognizes and aligns itself with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) objective of decreasing carbon emissions by 40% by 2030 and achieving net zero by 2050.
Christiania Gas manage a fleet of vessels that are certified to the highest industry standards. We ensure that all vessels under our commercial management services meet the latest requirements within the International Safety Management Code (ISM) for encouraging safety & pollution prevention. Additionally, Christiania Gas caters for a sustainable future by utilizing analytical tools. Our investment in an implemented performance management system ensures that our vessels are monitored to provide optimized operations. This system allows us to estimate regular inspections of our vessels and a plan of corrective action to ensure that any issues are addressed quickly and effectively.
- We pledge to demonstrate respect for the natural environment
- Ensuring zero LPG leakage into the air ensures compliance with applicable rules, regulations and best practices mandated by various IMO requirements, ISM Code and MLC.
- All vessels under commercial management are registered with first-class flag states and classed by IACS classification societies.
Promoting Health, Safety and Security (HSS)
Objective: Christiania Gas looks after people and society, staying aware of the social risks posed by the industries we work in, including health and safety, labor rights and human rights.
Christiania Gas believes that by providing our employees with a safe and healthy workplace, as well as support for a balanced lifestyle, we are creating an environment that will help them reach their highest potential. Therefore, we have implemented a range of initiatives to promote health, safety, and wellness for our employees.
- Ensuring the well-being of our own and contracted personnel is our top priority.
- Create healthy workplaces with zero injuries.
- Safeguard the workers’ rights and individual human rights as declared in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP).
- Workers are equipped with adequate tools and safety equipment to do their jobs safely and effectively.
Integration of Moral Governance Standards
Objective: Christiania Gas is aware of the potential challenges and risks in all sector affiliations, particularly concerning corruption, money laundering, and imposed trade limitations and sanctions.
Christiania Gas has no tolerance for corrupt practices such as bribery and facilitation payments, which can obstruct approved business activities, upset competition, harm reputations and put companies and people in jeopardy. We are committed to complying with all applicable rules and regulations and welcome feedback from staff and partners on any potential non-compliance. Christiania Gas recognizes the importance of acting with integrity to build trust among our clients and stakeholders. Hence, the following safeguards are incorporated into our business practices:
- Zero tolerance against any corrupt practices, such as bribery and facilitation payments.
- Ensure that all major contracts are equipped with pertinent anti-corruption stipulations.
- Engage external counsel to guarantee compliance with national, regional, and international sanctions and trade restrictions.
- Forming a corporate culture for risk management and providing personnel with training on managing third-party risk management practices.
- Promote free trade and fair competition in the shipping industry.
Christiania Gas ensures to stays up to date with the latest developments in the industry by being an associated member of the Danish Shipowner Association and a member the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO).
Sustainable Ship Recycling:
Christiania Gas is committed to responsible ship recycling by ensuring that all ships sent for recycling are done in a way that protects workers and the environment and reduces the potential for hazardous materials to enter the sea. This is achieved by ensuring that the chosen demolition yard meets the requirements of the IMO’s Hong Kong International Convention for safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships.